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Our Parks (0800 111 4464) 

Free exercise classes across Brent London Parks including: Yoga, Abs Workout, Circuit, Bootcamps, Run Classes. All outdoor fitness sessions are for women and men. Book Online. Some locations include Gladstone Park, King Edward VII Park Wembley, One Tree Hill Recreation Ground, Queens Park, Roe Green Park.

Outdoor Gym

There are 19 outdoor gyms in Brent which can be used free of charge, seven days a week and suitable for persons over 1.2 metres tall. For those who would like guidance on how to use the equipment, induction sessions with qualified gym instructors can be arranged.

Gladstone Park 5k Run

Free 5k event  .Every Saturday at 9am at Gladstone Park . All levels welcome.


Disability Sports Coach  

Club Brent is a 2 hour multi-sports session covering a host of sports that can be adapted to all abilities based at Willesden Sports Centre, Donnington Road, London, NW10 3QX. Popular sports include Basketball, Cricket and Boccia. All disabilities and impairments are welcome. Price £4.

Vale Farm Sports Centre (020 8908 6545) 

Offers supervised gym sessions for young people and adults with a disability including wheelchair users. Come along to the target population gym on the ground floor of the centre between 1pm to 3pm on Mondays and Fridays. Carers are also welcome. 



Funded by Sport England and offers disabled people free gym instructor training and an industry work placement. The aim of the scheme, created by Aspire, the spinal injury charity and delivered in partnership with YMCAfit, is to support disabled people into a fitness career where they can encourage other disabled people to access leisure facilities and enjoy and active lifestyle.

Active Leisure Discount Card at Willesden, Bridge Park and Vale Farm Sports Centres 

Get reduced prices at Brent’s Sports Centres with the B.Active Scheme. For a small one-off payment, they give regular users 25% off. Senior citizens (60+), people with a disability and people on income support get 40% off normal prices for many activities.